Note: Your progress in watching these videos WILL NOT be tracked. These training videos are the same videos you will experience when you take the full StudentCPR Online Only Orientation program. You may begin the training for free at any time to start officially tracking your progress toward your certificate of completion.

Your Student CPR account gives you access to both personal training and everything you need for the Student CPR program. The educator dashboard lets you manage classes, monitor students, and access documents. The personal training dashboard lets you view the Student CPR videos and access your own training courses in order to become a skill evaluator or a certified CPR / First Aid provider.

  • Student CPR activities are on the educator dashboard
  • Change your profile information on the personal training dashboard page
  • Print educational materials from the my account button

Sending students through the course is the primary task of the Student CPR program. Creating classes allow you to give students class codes. They use these codes to complete the program and appear in your student reports. To create a class:

  1. Click "Manage classes"
  2. Click "Add new class"
  3. Give class a name and appropriate settings for your school's program
  4. Click "Create Classroom" and distribute class code to your students

After you distribute the class code, the dashboard allows you to monitor your class's progress through the program. You can also reset a student's password if they forget. To Monitor Students:

  1. Scroll the "Logged in as" option to the class you wish to view
  2. Click "Student Reports"
  3. Select the report you wish to run. "Student List" will give you a comprehensive list of all students under that class regardless of progress
  4. Click on an individual student's user name to see details about that student